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1980 Dahlia Street
Denver, CO 80220

League advocacy is based on program, which is the heart of the League of Women Voters as the basis for both education and action. Program consists of governmental issues chosen by the members for study, consensus, and ultimate action. Action can be taken only after study, which must include factual research, member discussion, and member agreement (consensus).

Action is a broad term; it can mean testifying before a local governing body, expressing League opinions in the media or in letters to officials, holding town meetings, or simply talking to a friend about LWV positions.

Briefly, Denver League’s positions are:

Support for a governmental system that is open, representative, responsive, accountable, efficient, fair in its treatment of all citizens, and in which responsibilities are clearly defined and assigned. Support for a metro-wide governmental approach to the solution of metropolitan problems

Planning & Zoning, Community & Urban Renewal, & Citizen Participation
Support of measures which ensure sound planning for Denver and for plans which meet the physical, social, economic, educational, recreational, cultural, governmental and aesthetic needs of Denver’s people, with increased citizen participation in the decision-making process 
Support for measures which will improve the selection and preparation of law enforcement officers and which will improve police-community relations; more efficient methods for handling caseload in the Denver county court system; programs which lead to better rehabilitation of offenders; ways which ameliorate the drug problems in Denver

Juvenile Justice
Support for a municipal juvenile justice system which emphasizes meeting the needs of juveniles, while recognizing the community’s need for protection; includes a separate municipal court; is fair and impartial; is staffed by personnel trained to deal with juveniles; is adequately funded; is accountable and efficient; and provides programs appropriate to the offense, which stress counseling, restitution, and diversion over detention

Support of measures to ensure adequate and affordable housing for residents of all incomes; Support for the concept of public housing, including dispersed housing
Support for quality education for all Denver children, long-range planning of school facilities, programs more responsive to individual needs, and increasing communications between schools and community
Human Resources Program
Support for adequate funding of human resources programs which are of value to Denver’s people

Support for health care being available to all Denver residents and for consumers assuming more responsibility for becoming aware of costs of health care for themselves and their families
Cable Television
Support for strong, representative citizen involvement in planning a cable TV franchise, with the goal of protecting citizen interests. Following the grant of a franchise, the terms of the franchise should be monitored to ensure the continued protection of citizens' interests.

To see the full scope of the issues and the League Positions, click here. An abbreviated version can be found here: Denver Program Positions.